The construction of residential building De Hartenrust Rotterdam has reached the highest point.

Happy Year of the Snake!

Van Bergen Kolpa presents and participates in debate on the future of Greenhouse Horticulture at de Balie Amsterdam moderated by Teun van de Keuken and Kees Foekema. Tickets and info>

Meet van Bergen Kolpa @ Provada and GreenTech 2024.
Meet us at the Dutch Real estate fair Provada and the International Horticulture Fair GreenTech, both from 11-13 June 2024 in the RAI Amsterdam.
Find us at Provada Stand 10-34 Architectenplein and Greentech stand 05:373 VF Vertical Farming stage. Register your free access to Greentech> here
Come and see our 'New Architecture for circular and urban food production' with the -World Architecture Award winning- Rooftop Greenhouse Agrotopia and the recently completed Vertical Farm Beijing. We also show our Building Integrated Vertical farming and the new Research Building for Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture in Bleiswijk that will be under construction this year.

Happy Year of the Dragon
Architect Rutger Aaftink of van Bergen Kolpa gives a lecture and tour of the construction site of the Maasbode for the Real Estate Society Rotterdam Rijnmond.

Van Bergen Kolpa gives lecture about Agrotopia as part of the Symposium Constructed Natures at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Van Bergen Kolpa lectures and participates in debate on Food in the City during the international symposium ‘Common Household’ organized by Architekturzentrum Wien and the city of Vienna. You can watch the lecture here.

Rooftop greenhouse Agrotopia exhibited and published for the exhibition Material. Context. Society at Galerie Dessa in Ljubljana Slovenia.

Listen to van Bergen Kolpa about Family Scraper de Maasbode in Architectenweb podcast series about high-rise buildings.

van Bergen Kolpa interviewed in a film by the Flemish Government about Agrotopia as an example of urban horticulture and multiple use of space.

Van Bergen Kolpa joins the Grow Inside webinar by World Horti Center about urban food production.

Meet van Bergen Kolpa @ Provada and GreenTech 2023
Meet us @ the Dutch real estate fair Provada and the International Horticulture fair GreenTech both from 13-15 June at the RAI Amsterdam.
Come have a look at our ‘New Architecture for circular and urban food production’ with the -World Architecture Award winning- Rooftop Greenhouse Agrotopia. And a sneak preview of our recently delivered Vertical Farm Hengshui China and Horticultural Experience center Beijing.
Join us for discussion @ GreenTech Paneldebat on Urban Agriculture with Anja Katalin De Cunto (EuroCities) and Su Zhang (CleanGreen) lead by Marinus Luiten(Priva) and supported by FarmTechSociety on Thursday, June 15 14:45 - 15:30 @ the Vertical Farming Stage.
Find us @ Provada Stand 11-11 Vastgoedmarkt
and GreenTech stand 05:476VF Vertical Farm stage.
Register your free Greentech visit here>
Agrotopia with Meta for Inagro and Reo veiling. Photo Fillip Dujardin
Vertical Farm Hengshui and Beijing with Ammerlaan Construction for AgriGarden.

Park Supermarket exhibited in the New Institute.
In the exhibition 'Water City Rotterdam' in the New Institute, the model of Park Supermarket can be seen as an example of building on water under the influence of climate change. Park Supermarket is part of the National Collection for Dutch Architecture and Urban Planning.

Van Bergen Kolpa gives a tour of Agrotopia and a lecture on 'Architecture for Food' during the inspiration session for the expert network of Building Office Buildings.

Van Bergen Kolpa lectures on Architecture for Food during the ‘Food for Thought’ event hosted by the RIBA London. Conversation led by Carolyn Steel and David West of Studio Egret West. You can watch the lecture here.
Opening exhibition with a model of Plant City by van Bergen Kolpa Architects for het Ministerie van Maak and the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2022.
Plant City is a climate-proof development model for plant-based food, housing and energy supply. The Brabant chamber landscape, once an example of small-scale food production for the surrounding towns and villages, has grown into a large-scale nitrogen production landscape for the global livestock industry. At the same time, these areas are becoming increasingly wet and drying out under the influence of climate change. How can these areas play a new role in the demand for plant-based food and biobased housing of today's consumers? In Plant City, dry and wet landscapes alternate with opportunities for new crops and cultivation techniques.
The dry landscapes where pixel agriculture contributes protein-rich products such as lupine, quinoa and field beans to the transition from animal to vegetable proteins. And where with strips of agriculture products such as barley, grass-clover, chicory, rye and wheat contribute to biodiversity in a variety of ways.
The water landscapes where plants such as cattails contribute to sustainable building materials in large wet plots. And where reed, rice, water lentils and vitamin-rich crops such as cranberries are harvested with water farming.
The forest landscapes where coniferous and deciduous trees of different ages contribute to a new biobased building culture in the Netherlands in varied plots.
Plant City will be able to grow along with contemporary food needs, living environments and sustainable energy sources thanks to design in small plots. Living, growing and producing in the new vegetable city of the 21st century.
Project: Research, design and exhibition model. Client: International Architecture Biënnale Rotterdam 2022, Ministry of Make Curators: Saskia van Stein, Zus and MANN. Programme: 400ha climate-proof landscape for 10,000 homes, food and energy supply. Location: North Brabant. Planning: Research and design 2022. Publications: article on architectenweb "Wat valt er te leren van Ministerie van Maak?"

Rooftop Greenhouse Agrotopia exhibited on the World Design Cities Conference 2022 in Shanghai. Organized by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and curated by Ole Bouman and Aric Chen. Read more about it here.

Van Bergen Kolpa presents Family Scraper de Maasbode at the Architectenweb symposium 'Stacked living for families' during the Rotterdam Architecture month. Read more about it here.

Van Bergen Kolpa presents Family Scraper de Maasbode at the debate on 'Heavenly Living in high-rise buildings' led by Merel Pit during the PROVADA real estate fair. Read more about the debate here.

Van Bergen Kolpa will be at the Provada 2022 in Amsterdam with the Wybertjes project.

Family Scraper de Maasbode part of the (T)huis expo in the Nieuwe Instituut during the Rotterdam Architecture Month 2022.

Official opening of Dakserre Agrotopia by His Majesty the King Philip of Belgium during the Festival of the Future.

Agrotopia, the largest rooftop greenhouse in Europe, will be officially opened to the public during the festival of the Future from September 25 to Sunday October 3.

Van Bergen Kolpa co-curates exhibition Food to Be for EU Ministers of Agriculture and gives an interview on Architectuur for Food.
Food is a basic necessity for every human being on earth. The way we will produce and consume our food in the future has an impact on ourselves, our environment and our society.
Food to Be shows how technology and design can answer these questions. The Netherlands is one of the world's largest agricultural exporters and is internationally renowned for its technological knowledge and design talent. Therefore, the Netherlands can play an important role in the challenges of the future with its partners in the European Union.
On the basis of five themes, we explore together with leading Dutch designers how our future food system will shape.
Project: exhibition and interviews for the Netherlands EU Presidency 2016 and its meeting for agriculture ministers
Curators: Jago van Bergen, Marije Vogelzang, Annelies Hermsen, Koert van Mensvoort, Sietske Klooster
Organisation: Food Cabinet, Helen Kranstauber
Location: STEC Endhoven
Date: May 31st thru June 5th 2016

Van Bergen Kolpa lectures and leads workshop Wroclaw Homemade, Food from the City organized byAssociation of Polish Architects and Wrocław Cultural capital 2016.

Park Supermarkt on World Expo Milan 2015
Van Bergen Kolpa exhibits Park Supermarket in the MAXXI National museum of modern Art & Architecture Rome during the Milan World Expo 2015; Feeding the Planet, Energy for live.
In 2015, the year of the World Expo in Milan, MAXXI Rome presents an exhibition that focuses on every day issues related to food and nutrition that have an impact on people, their homes and the planet. The issues are addressed by the exhibition, Food from the spoon to the world, curated by Pippo Ciorra. A major project (involving 2500 square meters of exhibition space) that MAXXI devotes to food, made in collaboration with the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) and the World Food Programme of the United Nations (WFP)
Over 50 works made by artists and architectswill be on view, starting with the dimension of the human body and expanding to become global: from the kitchen to the home, from the city to the region, to the world. On display, among others, are models and drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier; a mock-up of the kitchen project for the chef Thomas Keller, documentation of the performance Pig Roast by Gordon Matta-Clark, the farm of the future of Van Bergen Kolpa Architects, the installation Giant Mushroom by Carsten Holler, the video Alphabet by Mohamed Allam, and a performance realized ad hoc by the Chinese group called Yangjiang Group.

Official opening Westpolder Center.

Van Bergen Kolpa part of the Dutch Trade Delegation at the Netherlands-China Trade and Economic Forum in Noordwijk. The Forum, chaired by the Chinese President Xi and King Willem Alexander, focused on Dutch knowledge of sustainable agriculture and urbanization.

Opening exhibition #STADVANDETOEKOMST in the Museon The Hague with the Climate Game by van Bergen Kolpa Architects

Bangkok Adaptive City 2045
Opening of the International Symposium Bangkok Adaptive City 2045 by Ambassador Joan de Boer organized van Bergen Kolpa in the Netherlands Embassy in Bangkok with o.a. Silpakorn University, Royal Haskoning and TU Delft.
Bangkok Adaptive City 2045 is a publication, exhibition and symposium on water adaptive urban planning and architecture in Bangkok. The manifestation will be carried out by a multi disciplinary team of Thai and Dutch experts in the field of Urban Planning, Architecture and civil engineering. Together they aim to research, develop and promote the Fine Traditions of building with water from both countries, offering solutions for todays reality of the Bangkok Metropolis.
The manifestation will take place over the course of December 2012 till January 2013 with exhibitions hosted by the Jim Thompson House and the Silpakorn University. The symposium will hosted by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangkok on the 30th of January 2013.
Project: Book publication, Exhibithion and symposium
Organisation & content: with Silpakorn University and Fokke Moerel
Curators: Apiradee Kasemsook, Fokke Moerel
Exhibithions: Jim Thompson House Bangkok en Pra Prompijitra Architecture Gallery van de Silpakorn University
Team: Van Bergen Kolpa Architects, Silpakorn University Bangkok, Kasetsart University, Thailand, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Delft University of Technology, Royal Haskoning DHV, Supermachine Studio Architects Thailand, ONGSA Architects Thailand
Support: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangkok, The Netherlands Architecture Fund, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration - City Planning Department, Jim Thomson House Bangkok

Opening of the exhibition Architecture of Consequence in the National Museum of Norway with the projects Park Supermarkt and Co Housing Hoogvliet.

Opening of the Architecture and the City Festival San Francisco with work of van Bergen Kolpa in the Center for Architecture AIA San Francisco.
Van Bergen Kolpa has been selected by the AIA San Francisco and the Center for Architecture + Design to contribute to this year's Architecture and the City festival. Along with 2012 Architects, OMA, ZUS and four offices from the Bay Area the Architecture of Consequence theme will be further explored; "The exhibit demonstrates how progressive design and creative problem solving can be used to enhance our lives and the health of our community. Although we do not yet know what a truly sustainable future will look like, options will come from people experimenting in new and novel ways."
Joined by experts in the fields of global foresight, urban agriculture, micro-economics and environmental policy, Lisa Iwamoto and Craig Scott of San Francisco based IwamotoScott Architecture and Jago Van Bergen of Rotterdam based Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten will lead a discussion that examines how food and energy production can be localized. This cross-cultural dialogue, moderated by Dr. Chris Luebkeman, Director of Foresight and Insight ARUP, will examine IwamotoScott Architecture's HYDRO-NET: City of the Future, a transformative new typology of urban architecture that fosters new social spaces and urban forms and Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten's Park Supermarket, a spatial development model for a national supermarket located in the metropolitan parks of the Netherlands.

Opening of the exhibition 'Glimpses 2040' with work of van Bergen Kolpa in the Center for Architecture AIA New York City and Arcam in Amsterdam.
GLIMPSES 2040 Amsterdam Homemade
Amsterdam Homemade is a spatial development model for a landscape supermarket. due to urbanization, the dutch polders, once the icon of our food production landscapes, have over the past centuries come to lie like parks in the Amsterdam metropolis. Amsterdam Homemade shows the potential of these green wedges for recreation and food production for the metropolis that today knows 170 different nationalities, food and culinary traditions.
NEW YORK, New York, May 20, 2011 The Center for Architecture and ARCAM are thrilled to announce the exhibition programs for Glimpses of New York and Amsterdam in 2040. The exhibition challenges ten architecture, landscape architecture and design firms to imagine an urban future that includes new waterside cityscapes, neighborhoods, and transit systems. The exhibition will open in New York at the Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place, on June 8, and remain on view until September 10. The show will also be installed in Amsterdam, on view at the Amsterdam Center for Architecture (ARCAM) June 17 until August 13.
Project: Research, vision development and exhibition
Redactie en samenstelling: Maarten Kloos
Curator: Luc Vrolijks en Marlies Buurman
Horticulture advice: PRIVA Jan Westra
Landscape and ecology advice: Wageningen UR Vincent Kuypers
Opening Architecture Biennale of Soa Paulo Brazil where van Bergen Kolpa takes part on the Dutch exhibition entry 'Architecture of consequence' curated by Ole Bouman and Saskia van Stein with the projects Park Supermarkt en Nabuurschappen.
Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten mede vertegenwoordigt Nederland op de 8e Architectuur Biënnale van Sao Paulo met twee projecten; Park Supermarkt en de net opgeleverde Nabuurschappen in Hoogvliet.
Bij de tentoonstelling genaamd 'Architecture of Consequence', gecureerd door het Nederlands Architectuur Instituut (NAi), is een gelijknamig boek verschenen. In het boek Architectuur als Noodzaak - Nederlandse ontwerpen voor de toekomst komt het werk van 25 Nederlandse ontwerpbureaus aan bod, die allemaal vanuit een maatschappelijke urgentie werken. Aan de hand van de conclusies uit de manifestatie Maak ons Land is de hedendaagse ontwerppraktijk onder de loep genomen.
Het resultaat is een agenda voor ruimtelijke innovatie waarmee de ruimtelijke ordening en architectuur de komende jaren vooruit kunnen. Het sluit aan bij het wereldwijd groeiende besef dat het beantwoorden van fundamentele kwesties van onze tijd een zaak van iedereen is. De thema's zijn universeel; ze beroeren en motiveren de hele internationale architectuurgemeenschap. Daarmee is dit boek tevens een oproep tot het ontwerpen van een betere wereld.
De internationale reizende tentoonstelling 'Architecture of Consequence' toont een wisselende selectie van dezelfde ontwerpbureaus als in het gelijknamige boek, afgestemd op de locatie waar de tentoonstelling te zien zal zijn. De getoonde ontwerpen zijn ontstaan vanuit de ambitie om bij te dragen aan een duurzame toekomst. Door ze op verschillende schaalniveaus te tonen wordt de thematiek verder uitgediept.
Met bijdragen van: 2012Architecten, Atelier Kempe Thill, biq stadsontwerp, Must urbanism, OMA, Powerhouse Company, Rietveld Landscape, STEALTH.unlimited, Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten, ZUS.
Project: Boek en reizende Tentoonstelling
Redactie en samenstelling: Ole Bouman
Curator: Saskia van Stein
Film Park Supermarkt: ism Catalogtree
Fotograaf Nabuurschappen: Jeroen Musch
Exhibits: Sao Paulo 2009, Moskou 2009, Rotterdam 2010, Nijmegen 2010, Mumbai 2011, San Francisco 2011

Opening of the exhibition 'Architecture of Consequence' in the NAI with the project Park Supermarkt.